Monday, July 18, 2011

Field trip to Chennai (aka Madras)

The other day my flatmates and I were sitting around, enjoying some after dinner mangoes, when Jang announced she was going to Chennai on Tuesday. It seems that, because she was accepted to JNU for her masters, she needs to go back to Chennai (where she had been living with her sister previous for her undergrad studies in Delhi) to get some papers to register her migration (to a different school). I jokingly said "Can I come!?". She said "yes!, please come!". I said ". . . .wait, seriously?". She said "seriously?!!!! Yes!!! Come!!!!!".
So. . .after confirming that it would still be possible to be in contact with potential employers/organizations that I might be working with, I've decided to take a couple days to visit Chennai and stay with Jang and some of her family members!! Yay!
I've wanted to visit Chennai for quite a while. I'm not entirely sure why.  Before I left Japan to go to India my "Japanese mom" 平野さん, who I was staying with for the last month I was there, showed me the pictures she had from when she visited India in the. . . 70s? 80s? I'm not sure exactly when the pictures were taken.  She looked quite young though :) hee hee.  Anyway, she went on some kind of study tour in Chennai and told me about a temple that she was taken to by their guide one day that did Naadi readings.  She explained that it involved some kind of leaf. Everyone has a leaf specific to them and each leaf, if read by someone trained in Naadi reading, can tell your past, present and future. . .apparently.   She said she didn't really believe it at first but that it was really 不思議; mysterious. She explained that the astrologer, to determine her leaf, asked her questions that she didn't think it would be possible for him to know about and eventually told her that it would be a good idea to open a shop. . .which she did end up doing!
It doesn't look like it would be very possible to travel all the way to the Vaitheeswaran Temple which seems to be the most famous and historically reputable place for Naadi readings. . .but it might be possible to go somewhere else. I'm not saying I totally believe in it. . .but i'm in India! Why not? :)

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