Friday, December 9, 2011

nice dream

Last night I dreamt of you.  You did not appear as your true like-ness but I knew it was you nonetheless.  Our interaction was the same, our spirits met in the same manner, at the same place.
We were on a beach and you were leading me to your family's cottage.  We passed  box-like training centres painted in primary red and blue.  We moved on to small identical cottages with identical gardens extending from the front doorway and creating identical welcoming paths.  We continued on through the sand towards your home.  The weather was perfect, not too hot or cold and aside from the buildings and sand, there was not much of note.  Just you and I walking together.
Even though it was a dream, the places in our relationship that are still unknown, are still curiosities and have never been explored were still better left alone.  Everything was perfect.
I awoke longing for the sound of rain falling on rooftops. . .

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