Sunday, April 24, 2011

experiential learning

Sometimes people need to be pushed in the wrong direction in order for them to realize the mistake they are making. Sometimes you need to stop resisting their persistence so they can realize on their own what you already know.
People often have a hard time understanding consequences of actions no matter how clearly explained. Maybe this is a generalization. . .however, future events that almost necessarily follow certain actions, can not be construed, often times by a lingual warning alone. Without concrete, practical, experiential learning done on one's own, some events are unavoidable I guess. . .part of life learning. Through trial and error, getting hurt, actually being put in the "best avoided situation" and seeing the downfall, one can decide to make a change and take steps (or not) to avoid such situations in the future. It can be hard though to have gone through something and gained knowledge from it that you would like to share with others so that they need not go through the same painful experience, only to find that they don't listen, don't understand. . .or even turn on you because the truth is hard. All one can do is watch from the sidelines and try to lend a compassionate heart and listening ear when asked. . .The yang side of love, I guess.

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