Monday, February 25, 2013

I believe

I believe in magic.
I believe in the extra ordinary
The sur real (and the sous real)
The wonder full
De Light Full
Fabulous life

That doesn't necessarily mean money
But needs provided for in abundance
That would mean work
But creative work, that is truly enjoyable and fulfilling
That I love to wake up everyday to do
That means beauty
That means good healthy wholesome food that is delicious
For every meal
That doesn't hurt other life in the process of creation
That gives back to the soil and the people and the ecosystem that it came from
That builds strong connections to people and healthy communities around it
That cares deeply for the well being of others
That is honest and strives to learn more to increase the depths and heights of truth
That loves and loves and loves
believing fearlessly and fiercely
That doesn't give up hope
But faces adversity
That can be overcome
By standing up, and starting again.

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