Hello fine folks on my list of fine folks to mail random happenings in my life to!! :)
How are you doing?! I've dropped the ball on updating what's going on on our tour, yet again. . .but I assure you it has been:
jam-packed full of awesomeness, inspiring, informative, FUN, fantastic, super, I could go on.
A Goat in a Boat - Happy Farm |
I believe I left off in Drayton? Wow. So much has happened since then that it seems like a number of years ago almost! Since then we've done a number of performances at a number of schools, we've been to a few farms (
Vickie's Veggies,
Happy Farm,
Lunar Rhythms Garden) and
intentional communities and have learned a little bit more about the alternative agricultural practices and community initiatives that are happening around Southern Ontario.
Bathroom Sink Laundering and Natural Drying |
We also had our mid tour retreat last week in Peterborough which was great. We had some unscheduled (initially!) group time to discuss issues that we hadn't previously had a whole lot of time to get to and were able to tighten the cables and lube the chains. . .so to speak. We also had long-awaited access (and time!) to showers, laundering facilities and internet!!!!; daily luxuries that you take for granted when not on a fantastic Otesha tour across Ontario. Before the tour I remember Katrina, one of our guides mentioning that we may decide to take on challenges as a group, like, not showering for a week to conserve water. Before the tour, I thought that was a little extreme. . .now, however it has become almost common place for the whole team.
We simply don't have access to showers all the time and don't always want to be imposing on our amazing hosts to provide showers for all 15 of us! We do stagger our showers though (turn the water on and off between soaping and rinsing) to make sure that there is as little water waste as possible and occasionally substitute showers with swims in random creeks/lakes/rivers enroute. And of course there are always bathroom sinks.
Right now we are in Kingston. It's really weird to be back in the city I lived in for University. EVEN WEIRDER is that Danielle lives in the same house I lived in when I was here as a student!!!!! WHAT!? We've been staying in my old house for the past couple of nights and will be heading to Battersea tomorrow. I'm excited for the last 2 weeks! They're going to be AMAZING :D
Play practice outside my old house! |
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